Microblading is a tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent ink to the skin.
Microblading differs from standard eyebrow tattooing because each hairstroke is created by hand using a blade which creates fine slices in the skin, whereas eyebrow tattoos are done with a machine and single needle. Microblading is typically used on eyebrows to create, enhance or reshape their appearance in terms of both shape and color. It deposits pigment into the upper region of the dermis, so it fades more rapidly than traditional tattooing techniques, which deposits the pigment deeper.
Bethan's unique technique of more natural curved hairstrokes create that realistic feel and look. Bethan's goal is to create natural looking brows, therefore she will only create brows that are professionally recommended to each individual upon consultation. Bethan is also fully qualified to perform corrections on previous tattoo work.
Who is it most suitable for?
Micro-blading is most suited to clients who have normal to dry skin, tight pores and have zero to little hair. Clients who have quite a lot of brow hair (even if it's fine) would be more suited to Ombre/ Combination brows. Microblading does not suit clients who have oily skin types.
Does it hurt?
The treatment is slightly uncomfortable, but bearable. Also you will be numbing the area prior to your appointment to lessen the chance of pain.
Pre Procedure Advice
Please avoid the following 24 hours before your treatment-
-Any physical activity that will cause you to sweat on the day of your appointment
- Caffeine
-Vitamin A&E
-Fake tan
-Sun beds
- Retinols
Please be aware there are many factors that can affect the result of your microblading treatment. The main factor is your aftercare. It is incredibly important that you follow the strict aftercare advice routinely as this will effect the outcome of your healed results.
Please be aware that if you are having a cover up procedure, you may need between 1-3 sessions to achieve your desired look. The colour of your brows will eventually fade and soften in your skin. Please remember that this is your own journey and ink retention differs for each client. Brunettes usually find they get longer in-between appointments than blondes or red heads. This is due to the pigments being darker and more dense in the skin.
Microblading after approx 3-5 years will slowly blend into a more powdered look. This is due to the ink merging together under the skin as our skin naturally exfoliates, I highly recommend having a combination top up after this amount of years.
Can I have Microblading?
You must be 18+
If you suffer with any of the following then unfortunately you cannot have Microblading.
-Pregnancy - Pregnant or Nursing mothers ( risk of infection)
- Eczema (face only if the skin is dry and cracked throughout the brow area, this will make it difficult for the healing process, and could cause irritation.
- Psoriasis (Face only) - Same complications as Eczema. This is a chronic skin condition.
- Circulatory Heart Disorders
- Diabetes
- Auto Immune Disease
- Severe Allergies
- High/ Low Blood Pressure (Ok if you are on regular controlled medication)
- Epilepsy
Patch Testing
A Scratch test will be carried out before starting the procedure.
Numbing Cream
The brow area will need to be numbed before the procedure, due to recent legislation changes the client must now purchase their own numbing cream; TKTX, EMLA or LMX4 numbing cream can be purchased from your local pharmacy. A small 5g tube will be sufficient.
While a patch test for EMLA or LMX4 numbing cream isn't required, I always advise my clients to carry out a small test on themselves just to be safe. Leave on the skin for 24 hours, same as the patch testing above.
Aftercare & Healing Process
Day 1 - The eyebrows are approximately 50% darker and 10-15% bolder in width than they will be when healed. There can be some redness & swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow to flake away gently and a more narrow appearance will result. New skin will heal over the pigmented area and result in a softer appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heavier in size than you desire. This is all part of the process.
Day 2- Conditions remain the same, do not worry! Trust the process.
Day 3- Eyebrows start to itch and will appear a bit thicker in texture. Exfoliation begins.
Day 4 -The skin begins to go dry, sometimes peeling from the outside edges first. Please do not pick/touch the brow area whilst healing.
Day 5-6- Colour finishes flaking and appears softer for a few days until colour clarifies and resurfaces.
Day 7 - The colour has lightened from its initial overly-dark appearance. For the next few days, the color may now be lighter than what the final colour will be.
Top Up Appointments
Please note- Top up appointments are charged separately.
The reason for this is because some clients may need a top-up appointment, some may need a few top-up appointments, whereas some won't need one for a year or two.
This will depend on your overall desired look & your body's own natural healing response.
Oilier skin types will need more top-up appointments, on average once to twice per year.
Loyalty Programme- Bethan has a loyalty programme in place for her clients. This is to keep the costs down and to enable you to keep your brows looking fresher for longer.